The Vocation Ministry team encourages us to strengthen our faith by seeking to grow in the understanding of God’s will for our lives and for members of our parish community through the Eucharist, devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, and guided by the teachings of the Church.
We help men and women from our parish to say “YES” to Gods call in their lives to the priesthood, consecrated life, or sacramental marriage. We do so first through prayer for vocations in our community. As our Lord Jesus Christ said, “The harvest is abundant, but the laborers are few; so ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest,” (Lk 10:2) and so we must pray that the Lord may send us faithful laborers.
We also help plan events to increase peoples awareness of vocations in the parish. Our first event was the Blessing of Married Couples in February, and our next event is a Get to Know Your Priests event with the Religious Education students and school children.
If you would like to join this new ministry, first start praying that men and women from our parish community would grow in understanding God’s calling in their lives and respond to it. Second, send an email to Fr. Peter Phan to find out more about our meeting times.